Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hats off to Joseph Letavis

Flag Day is celebrated today. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened this day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777.

One local boy scout came up with a way to commemorate the day. Joseph Letavis approached the city some months ago about constructing a Flag Retirement Area within the city.

Since that time, he accepted donations from individuals and businesses around the community and along with his family, friends and his troop, built a beautiful landscaped area north off of Fortino Drive near the police department and across from the Veteran's Memorial.

The area was christened last night with the first flag retirement ceremony. It was a very solemn event that drew a nice crowd. The ceremony began with the flags being torn (stars from stripes) along with a scripted message about the history of the flag. Attendees were then invited to drape pieces of the flag in the constructed fire pit to officially retire the flag.

It is young men like Joseph Letavis who help to make this city a better place.

Thank you, Joe.

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